Periodontal disease, also known as gum disease, involves infections of the structures around the teeth including gums, ligaments and bones. The earliest stage of periodontal disease is known as gingivitis and only affects the gums. In more advanced forms, all of the supporting tissues are involved.
Swollen, bleeding gums are usually the first signs that the gums are infected with bacteria. If left untreated, the infection can spread and destroy the structures that support your teeth. Eventually, teeth can become so loose that they fall out or need to be extracted. Periodontal disease is caused by the bacteria in dental plaque, so it is imperative to provide excellent care at home and to have regular professional cleanings.
Scaling and Root Planning: This is a highly effective treatment for the early stages of periodontal disease. We will remove plaque that has built up below the gum line through scaling, and then smooth out rough areas on the roots to prevent bacteria and plaque from re-adhering to the root’s surface.
Gingivectomy: This procedure is used to reduce the depth of periodontal pockets caused by gum disease. The treatment involves cleaning and lifting of the pockets so the healthy gum can reattach itself to the teeth.
Ridge Preservation: After a tooth extraction, ridge preservation can prevent the empty socket from collapsing. This involves placing bone grafting material in the empty socket to allow for bone regeneration. Ridge preservation is often used when a dental implant is planned for a later date.
Dental Crown Lengthening: Unhealthy gum tissue often creates a “gummy” smile when less of the tooth is exposed. This procedure involves adjusting the gum to expose more of a tooth’s crown.
Root Surface Debridement: This procedure is a deep cleaning of the root surfaces deep below the teeth. Buildups of tartar, bacteria and plaque will be removed with the goal of putting a stop to gum disease.
Bone Grafting: By applying artificial bone material and special proteins to a deteriorated jawbone, we can restore the structure and strength. The jawbone will then be able to provide better support for both natural teeth and dental implants
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