Teeth Extractions

Teeth Extractions in Port Charlotte

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At Family Dentistry, we’ll do everything we can to make sure you keep your teeth. But if a tooth extraction is in the best interest of your oral health, we’ll make the process is as painless and stress-free as possible.

If a tooth is decayed or broken, our dentists will always try fixing it with a filling, crown or some other method to save the tooth. Sometimes, however, teeth can be damaged or decayed beyond repair. If that’s the case, we’ll have to pull the tooth. We understand that teeth extractions can seem stressful, but at Family Dentistry, we go the extra mile for your comfort. When you come to the office, we’ll have warm, scented towels for you, blankets and pillows, a beverage bar, and flat-screen TVs in every patient room with Netflix ready to go.

Your tooth extraction will begin with X-rays. These images will give our dental professionals a good idea of what the best way to extract the tooth will be. Once our dentist decides the best route, we’ll numb the area with local anesthesia. If you’re still feeling some anxiety to this point, we also offer laughing gas and/or oral sedation. Our dental professionals will then use a special tool to remove the tooth. The actual removal only takes a few moments, and you won’t feel anything except a bit of pressure.

It’s important to let the blood clot form once the extraction is complete. Because it’s harder for wounds to stay dry and scab inside the mouth, your dentist will have you bite down on a gauze pad for 20 to 30 minutes. The pressure will allow the blood clot to form, and for the recovery process to begin. You should try staying away from hot and chewy foods for a few days, and if necessary, keep an ice pack on the outside of your cheek for 20 minutes at a time to reduce swelling.

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